COMPLAINT- A female patient Reported to the ADVANCE DENTAL HOSPITAL , NAGPUR with discomfort in the upper anterior/front region of the jaw.
EXAMINATION :- On introral examination Grade I mobility a 12/ and swelling in 13/ region on the palatal aspect. Thin mucous living seen on the swelling.
The treatment plan made for the case:-
RCT C 12 and 13/ followed by enucleation of cystic lesion.
- A CBCT of patient shows a solitary , well defined “unilocular radiolucency seen in anterior region of maxilla in 12 and 13 region, measuring about 9*7mm in diameter approx.
Extent:- Radiolucency extending from root of 12/ till root of 13/ (anterior posterioly), from 3mm below the floor of nasal cavity till the root of 12/ at apical of 1/3rd region (superior inferiorly).
- A mucoperiosteal flap was raised from mid line of Maxilla till the Mesial of 15/ .
- A cystic lesion was then enucleated currtlage was done.
- After the cystectomy the cystic defect was filled & PRP and sutures were given.
All the clinical operation are examin and treated by Dr Payal Gandhi and assist by Dr Devshree
What is CYST ?
A pathological cavity in the bone or soft tissue with an outer wall of connective tissue & inner wall composed of epithelium. The cystic content enclosed contains water, colloid or semisolid cell of Connective tissue and epithelium.
What is Enucleation of CYST ?
Complete Removal of cystic capsule or lesion from the adjacent bone.