Grin your smile to boost your self esteem and self confidence

Grin your smile to boost your self esteem and self confidence

Grin your smile to boost your self esteem and self confidence

Are you feeling confident while smiling?


 Are you dreaming to make you smile better but don’t know how to achieve it ?

Dr Devshree
Dr Devshree Jawalikar


Patient’s problem was his lack of confidence in his smile. He was unhappy with the appearance , color , and shape of his teeth. Thus , we wanted to priortise that he could smile and communicate with confidence , so we made a plan to regenerate his appearnce.

The Makeover Plan-

Smile designing or Smile makeover is a combination of cosmetic as well as digital dental procedures which helps to improve the overall aesthetics , phonetical symmentry and a pleasing smile.

Our plan consist of -

  • Reshaping and recontouring of treated tooth
  • Scanning
  • Digital Designing
  • Final restoration


  • Dental Prophylaxis i.e routinely know as cleaning and polishing was done prior to starting of procedure.
  • Reshaping and Recontouring of teeth is done by composite.
  • Intraoral Scanning was taken and .STL file was then transfered to the Exocad software and true smile was deigned according to the specification and requirement needed for the patient
  • Metal trial was then fabriated followed by the final prosthesis
  • After 48 hrs the final prosthesis was then cemented and delivered to the patient .
Conclusion e1683969167122

"Now our patient look more Radiant with a more aesthetically driven smile, when he visit us to the dental clinic."

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Digital Designing provide accurate , natural looking color for your smile.


They are one of most effective and latest technology driven way to improve your smile.


It makes it appear more vibrant and healthier too. they are incredibly substantial than your conventional procedure of smile designing.

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Advance Dental Hospital was established in the year 1979 through efforts taken by Dr. Harish Rathi.

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